Saturday, July 31, 2010

If you find my blog extremely boring...

Read Melissa's blog.
She's really good at blogging, a lot better than I am.
I find very exciting to read, so I'm sure you'll like it too!

And then on an other note:
Here are some pictures of Kennedy that I took:

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Fatalie and Fonica never say never. EVER.

We were up until 3 making this, and if I must say, It was worth the time.

Yellow Kids on the Block. FOREVAAAA

Asian picture
Hahaha she has huge eyes (:
Love herrr (:
Pancho/Poncho <3
Yesterday, my very good friend Monica came over to party.
And we did.
It was a lot of fun(:
We made an amazing music video to the Karate Kid song!
Watch it.
Love it.
Love you!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Cory says:

Orange lizards are exciting to chase around the yard because you never know where they will go next.

Well, that was fantastic!

Monday, July 26, 2010

What did I do today...

So I asked Danielle, what should I blog about today..

Danielle's reply was:
What you did today.

My awnswer to that is quite simple:
Well nothing productive.
And I know, it's not good.
But there really is nothing to do when it's pouring like crazy outside..

My life is so boring.
It's so boring, my life's turned into sims.
And eating.
And sleeping.
And all that good stuff...
But mostly sims.

I'm sure that's not very healthy.

It's so sad.. I found the challenge of the day to be:
What should the new baby girl on sims be named?
I'm sure I spent a good 45 minutes looking at names.

Once again...

Oh, and I made cookies.
They were good..
I ate alot....
And I got
Really hyper.
.. it was fantastic.

And then on another note...
Trampolines are great... Well not when you're being beaten up and you can't un-zip the net. But if you think about it... A serial killer could come under the trampoline, and kill you, and you wouldn't be able to escape because if you got off and ran, they would eventually catch up to you and that wouldnt be good. And if you tried to like jump up they could just get up. And you wouldn't be able to escape... So beware of trampolines and serial killers combined.
Great therory, right?

And then on another other note...
My life shouldn't be so boring for the rest of the week... I'm going to see Kennedy soon and Danielle come's home tomorrow...
And mutual should be pretty awesome this week(:

The serious side of Danielle and I. Yeah, just kidding.

So as I said earlier.... Danielle is GORGEOUS! (: Haha this girl know's how to make me smile.

Her face in this picture cracks me up every time I see it.


Danielle (one of my bestest friends) is SO pretty.


And when you're as gorgeous as Danielle....
You look good. Even in my pictures, on my camera, that sucks.
(Hint to mother about a new camera...)

Sunday, July 25, 2010

HI. I'M BACK... & The fantastic story of longbording

I used to hate blogging, because no one read it. But now I don't care. And now it's strangley addicting because I have nothing else to do. It would be intresting to blog everyday. I'd try, but everyone know's, it's not going to happen....

Just to let everyone know...


it's not the correct way...


You want to know the story? No? Okay!

Well, it was that day.... I forgot what day, sometime this week... Tuesday? Okay, well whatever. I just saw a movie with DANIELLE!!!!!!! (I love her) But anyways... Melissa came to pick me up, and of course, MY BEST FRIEND DYLAN was there! And that just made my day because Dylan and I are like besties. AND HE BROUGHT HIS LONGBOARD! It was like 9 so Dylan was hungry, so why not go to a fabulous place called WENDYS? Well sometime's people like to make me sad... It was closed, but thank goodness for the Drive-Thru because Dylan would've been left a hungry man.. So after he ate his $2 meal.. I decided, Longboarding would be fun.... YEAH, not such a good idea. It's scary. But you know what isn't scary? Longboarding on your KNEES! IT'S AWETHOME! (that's awesome with a lisp, if you're wondering.) But after a while, Wendy's parking lot gets boring. So we went to Dylan's house. But unfortunatley, I can't go inside because I'm allergic to cats. And he has a cat named HENRY! But anyways, we sat outside.. And I longborded down a hill and Dylan had to follow me because I might break the longboard because I "break things often". While I longborded down this hill, and Dylan followed me, Melissa had to use the restroom, but there was one small problem... SHE DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO OPEN DOORS. Just kidding, she does, but she can't open Dylan's door.. I FOUND SARAH'S HOUSE! It has a very small garage. I don't think it's possible to fit a car in there... She wasn't home. So then I started running down the street with Dylan's longboard. But apparently, I'm a "slow" runner so we raced, he ran backwards and I ran with a longboard and he still beat me. Oh, by the way, It's illegal to open someone elses mailbox. Just to put that out there.


Oh, if you're wondering, Dylan's roomate let Melissa in to go pee. And then we chilled outside untill 11:30. BREAKING CERFEW IS BREAKING THE LAW!!!!

I'm sure that story made no sense to you, whatsoever.

Testimony of the Book of Mormon

... I love this.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Get ready...

I've been known for being a horrible blogger. But I'm going to try again because I don't like being a failure. And blogging is for my own good. Who cares if no one reads it... This is for me, myself, and I.... I'm not really good at blogging, most of the stuff I'm going to say is going to be boring, all of my pictures are going to be boring, and all of the stories are going to be boring.